Looking Ahead for Brisbane
As we have entered 2011, we are now wondering what’s next after the recent natural disasters?
Emerging from the recent floods, the National interest is now on rebuilding, renewal and growth, Brisbane’s key fundamentals do not change.
“the Brisbane property market is now at its most affordable level since 2007″
Queensland continues to have a massive infrastructure spending ($60 Billion), strong population growth and a booming resources sector. The Australia on the move report – compiled by Matusik Property INsights, reveals Brisbane needs 12,791 houses and 11,745 attached dwellings (townhouses / apartments) each year by 2014 of Brisbane’s newcomers will overrun the market place.
This acute housing shortage is the accepted catalyst for rising prices and rents. 2011 will be a goot time for investors to make a smart decision to purchase int he Brisbane property market as it is now at its most affordable level since 2007.
We have recently seen brisbane at its worst and its best with strong community spirit and a continued desire to make this city the best place to live.
So … why invest anywhere else?
Tell us your thoughts on Brisbane in the comments – the good, the bad and the downright courageous!
Article source: http://mypropertypulse.wordpress.com/2011/04/16/looking-ahead-for-brisbane/